To apply for the Devops Training in Kolkata, you need to either:
Course Curriculum
Module 1: Introduction to DevOps
- What is DevOps?
- The 10,000 foot view
- Why DevOps?
- Dev-Test-Deploy
- DevOps Principles
- DevOps Toolchain
- Overview of DevOps Tools
- Co-relation between Agile and DevOps
- Categories of DevOps Tools
Module 2: Version Control Systems
- Objective
- What is SCM
- Git branching and merging
- Git Overview
- Creating pull request
- Code Review
- Merging changes
- Assisted Practice: Create a repo and push code on GitHub / Bitbucket
- Advanced topic
Module 3: Container
- Objective
- Container Concept
- Container Vs Virtual Machine
- Installing docker on Centos, Debian and Windows
- Managing Container with Docker Commands
- Docker Compose
- Docker registry – Docker Hub
- Networking inside a single docker container
- Networking across container and platform
- Assisted Practice 1: Running a container Image with Docker
- Assisted Practice 2: Building own docker image
Module 4: Ansible – Configuration Management
- Objective
- Configuration Management Tools in DevOps
- Ansible fundamental
- Ansible installation and version
- Single command execution using ansible
- Roles and ansible-galaxy
- Playbook and jinja2 template
- Debugging and Troubleshooting
Module 5: Container Orchestration – Kubernetes
- Objective
- Overview of Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and Consul
- Kubernetes – Architecture and functional component
- Installing Kubernetes on VM
- Configure Pods and Containers
- Kubernetes – Cluster Administrator Tasks
- Kubernetes – App Developer Tasks
- Running application on Kubernetes cluster
- Scaling app in the cluster using the rolling update
- Services, Load Balancing, and Networking
- Security and Configuration
- Running Automated Tasks with a CronJob
- Stateful set to manage apps
- Managing and using storage in pod and cluster level
- Continuous deployment of an app from a git repository
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Module 6: Terraform – IAAC
- Objective
- Infra as a Code
- Terraform Initialisation
- Terraform provider, variable, resource group
- Creating VM in AWS using terraform code
- Creating and using Terraform Module
- Version control of Terraform Code
Module 7: Jenkins
- Objective
- Jenkins Installation
- Run Jenkins Job
- Jenkins Job to copy build on deployment VM
- Jenkins job to deploy on Docker container
- Jenkins job to deploy on Kubernetes
Module 8: Continuous Monitoring with Graffana
- Objective
- Introduction to Continuous Monitoring
- Introduction to Graffana
- Installing Graffana
- Adding customised dashboard in Graffana
Module 9: Public Cloud
- Objective
- Introduction to AWS
- Devops using AWS service
- Kubernetes on AWS
- Docker on AWS
- Various AWS services – EC2, S3, VPC, Subnet, IAM