UiPath Training Prerequisites
To apply for the UiPath Training, you need to either:
- You need to have a good foundation in mathematical concepts like linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
- You need to know at least one programming language like Python or R.
- You need to have a good understanding of OOPs concepts, algorithms and data structures.
- You need to have some basic data analysis and data visualisation skills.
Course Curriculum
Module 1: Uipath overview
- RPA UiPath Overview
- RPA UiPath Components
- RPA Studio
- What is Studio?
- Studio X, Studio and Studio Pro
- What is a Studio Do?
- Robots, Orchestrator
Module 2: Uipath studio
- RPA UiPath Studio Interface Intro
- UiPath Search Box
- UiPath Projects Panel
- UiPath Variables & Arguments
- UiPath Properties & Outline
- UiPath Output & Error List
- UiPath Simple Automation
- RPA UiPath Studio Interface Explanation
- Home Screen Explanation
- New Project Section Explanation
- New from Template Section Explanation
- Process Creation
- Design Screen Explanation
- Manage Packages
- Recording
- Screen Scraping & Data Scraping
- User Events
- UI Explorer
- Publish
- Project Tab
- Activities Tab
- Snippets Tab
- Properties Tab
Module 3: Uipath Layout
- Uipath Workflow
- Uipath Arguments
- Uipath Sequences
- Uipath Flowcharts
- Uipath State Machines
- Uipath Variables
- Uipath Managing Arguments
- How to create an Argument
- Workflows
- Sequence
- Flowcharts
- State Machine
- How to use Arguments between two files
Module 4: Uipath recorder
- Uipath Recorder Activities
- Uipath Recording & Types
- Uipath Basic Recorder
- Uipath Desktop Recorder
- Uipath Web Recorder
- Uipath Manual Recorder
- How to create a New Sequence
- How to Access the Recorder
- Basic Recorder
- Desktop Recorder
- Web Page Recorder
- Manual Recorder
Module 5: Uipath scraping
- Uipath Data Scraping
- Uipath Screen Scraping
- Uipath Data Scraping – Table
- Uipath Data Scraping – non-Table
- Uipath Screen Scraping Method
- Uipath Data Scraping Method
Module 6:Uipath Selectors
- Uipath Input Activities
- Uipath Selectors
- Uipath Full Selectors
- Uipath Partial Selectors
- Uipath Selectors with Wildcard
- Selector’s
- How to use Wildcards in Selectors
- How to Create Dynamic Selectors
- Uipath UI Explorer
Module 7: Uipath Anyteller
- Uipath Image Recorder
- Anyteller demo application explained using Image Recorder
Module 8: Uipath Excel Application Scope
- Uipath Excel Application Scope
- Uipath Write Range
- Uipath Set Range Colour
- Uipath Get CellColour
- Excel Application Scope explained with an example
- The live explanation for Excel Application Scope
Module 9: UIpath Activities
- Uipath PDF Activities
- Uipath Reading text from PDF
- Uipath PDF Activities all Features Explained with an example
- RPA Uipath Training12
- UipathSMTP and IMAP Activities
- Uipath Outlook Activities
- Uipath Email Additional Activities
- Uipath Mail Outlook Activities
Module 10: Citrix Automation
- Citrix Extension Installation explained
- Remote Runtime Installer and desktop Installation Explained
- Native citrix Recording explained with an example
- Orchestrator
- RPA Uipath Training14
- Uipath Queues
- Uipath Queue Activities
- Orchestrator Features
Module 11: Uipath Framework
- Uipath ReFramework
- Uipath ReFramework States
- Uipath ReFramework Transitions( explained by using FrameWork States)
- Uipath ReFramework XAMLs
- Uipath ReFramework explained using the tool
Module 12: Uipath deployment
- Uipath Deployment
- Uipath Machine
- Uipath Robot
- Orchestrator Features
- Tenant and folder
- Creating Machines
- Creating Robot
- Types of Robots
- Connecting robot and machine to Orchestrator
- Assets
- Packages Creating
- Environment Creating
- Automation
- Creating User
- License
- Log Messages
- Monitoring Tab
- Tenant Features
Module 13: Uipath Exception handling
- Uipath Try & Catch
- Uipath Throw and Rethrow
- Uipath Business Exception & System Exception
- Explaining the Exception Handlings with a Dummy Project
Module 14: Uipath Use Cases
- Uipath Use Case
- Uipath Invoice Creation
- Uipath HR Onboarding
- Explaining Invoice Performance with a Project
- Uipath HR Onboarding
Module 15:Conclusion
- Summarizing all the points discussed above